Monthly Archives: February 2014

#PIDDYBOT Parts Giveaway!

I’ve been tweeting about this for some time now and today it finally happened. Once my twitter account reached 100 followers I would begin a #PIDDYBOT parts giveaway; spare PCBs and 3d-printed chassis. We are now at 100 followers! If you don’t have access to a 3d printer, or don’t want to order three PCBs off of OSHpark then join in the draw!

I will be giving away(shown above):

  • 3 – V2 PIDDYBOT Printed Circuit Boards
  • 2 – 3D Printed Bodies


  1. First you must be following @IHPArchives on twitter.
  2. Keep an eye out for #PIDDYBOT contest and giveaway tweets and Retweet them. Only 1 Retweet required for entry. OR Instead Retweeting you can simply tweet using the button below, don’t change the message to ensure I notice your entry.

After doing those two steps you will receive a PM from me on Twitter notifying you of your entry. If you don’t get a PM from me, send me one. Don’t want anyone missing out.
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